Hello all,

I came across a blog post that might interest you all. @techdad did a quick analysis of public images from online black markets (such as Silk Road et al)[2] from 2011-2015, and came to the following conclusion:

"After parsing hundreds of thousands of images, I came across about 37 unique images that were not properly sanitized."[1]

That's surprisingly low -- 0.00037% if one assumes 100k images analyzed. Given the number of high-profile cases [4] where this location information led to arrests, it's not very surprising that some people likely took the time to remove the EXIF data, but I'm curious whether a given website may have stripped the metadata for uploaded images. The images that tested positive are shown on the blog post, and 8/37 were clearly from the same individual.

When mapped out, the location data is primarily in the US (5 locations), along with 1 location in France and Australia.

Incidentally, the full 1.6TB dataset from 2011-2015 is available on the Internet Archive [3], just in case the Hacking Team disclosures haven't used up all your hard drive space. ;-) This data on its own is a rather interesting look into the workings of black markets -- many of which no longer exist. Curious to see what you all think and what analyses you'd like to see from this kind of data.


[1] http://atechdad.com/Deanonymizing-Darknet-Data/
[2] http://www.gwern.net/Black-market%20archives
[3] https://archive.org/details/dnmarchives
[4] https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/04/picture-worth-thousand-words-including-your-location

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