
Karsten Loesing:
We briefly discussed making a JavaScript-free Globe a while ago by
using Node.js.  I'm not sure whether this would also work for Metrics.
 It may depend on how interactive graphs are supposed to be.

As said later in this thread, .png seems okay. Though I see the load on the server if tons of peeps get at the site; I respect the client-side preference.

Thanks :)

I think the main option is to keep rendering graphs on the server.
Right now, we're using R/ggplot2 for that, but we could switch to
server-side JavaScript or really anything else.  The main downside is
lack of real interactivity.

I see the need for interaction :) David McCandless [0] has some cool stuff that isn't very interactive (but uses JS).

Can the data be processed offline by each person? Tor Rendering Engine :P


[0]: http://www.davidmccandless.com

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