On Thu, 08 Sep 2016 22:44:42 +0400
meejah <mee...@meejah.ca> wrote:
> > Anyone who wants to open a ticket here, or has a counter
> > argument? :)  
> As a *slight* counter-argument to adding on-disk services to the
> GETINFO, that would make it harder to distinguish between on-disk
> services and ADD_ONION -based ones. Not sure how much of a practical
> problem this is, though (worst-case would be that a controller would
> have to load all 'hostname' files to confirm which ones are on-disk
> vs. ADD_ONION). Perhaps a *third* GETINFO, e.g. "GETINFO
> onions/permanent" would be safest...?

Adding a third option would probably be the best, followed by extending
the response syntax.  As I said, the `GETINFO` stuff was added
explicitly along and for the `ADD_ONION` command, with semantics to


Yawning Angel

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