Hi tor-dev. Sorry for the cross post but while tor-relays@ is the
perfect spot to announce Nyx, tor-dev@ is the traditional place to
unveil Stem.

I'm pleased to announce Stem 1.6, the accumulation of a full year of
improvements for our controller library...


Besides features such as descriptor creation and ed25519 support the
main highlight for this release is performance tuning. Descriptor
parsing is ~25% faster and low-level control socket handling got some
special attention.

Cheers! -Damian

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Damian Johnson <ata...@torproject.org>
Date: Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 3:41 PM
Subject: Nyx 2.0 Release
To: tor-rel...@lists.torproject.org

Hi all, after years of being in the works I'm pleased to announce Nyx!
A long overdue modernization of arm.


Even more important for our controller space at large, Nyx is coming
hand-in-hand with Stem 1.6. A full year of improvements that include
descriptor creation support, ed25519 certificates, performance tuning,
and much, much more...


Cheers! -Damian
tor-dev mailing list

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