> So, there is this already -- not sure how "complete" it is though (and
> looks like hasn't seen commits for 2+ years) but might have useful code:

Thanks meejah! Took a peek but they both look pretty old and it's
unclear to me how complete either got. If there's something in
particular you think is worthwhile integrating I'm all ears.

> For any of these efforts, writing a "Tor protocol library" that
> *doesn't* do any I/O would be the most useful; then other Python tools
> can benefit from the protocol support without being tied to "threads" or
> to a particular async framework.

Actually, this uses a similar pattern as the rest of Stem in that cell
packing/unpacking is independent of the threaded socket. Just as you
could use stem.response for controller message parsing in txtorcon,
you can use stem.client.cell for cell packing/unpacking with a twisted
application too. That said, thanks for the reminder to keep this in
mind as we go.

Cheers! -Damian
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