On 2 May 2018, at 18:34, juga <j...@riseup.net> wrote:

>>>> 2. Format details
>>>>  Bandwidth measurements MUST contain the following > sections:
>>>>  - Header (exactly once)
>>>>  - Relays measurements (zero or more times)
>>> Grammar suggestion: "Relay measurements".
>> In this case, this would become "Relay measurement result".
> More accurate, though starts becoming a bit too long. The title should
> probably become then: "Tor Bandwidth Measurements Results Document Format"
> Any shorter suggestion?.

"Measurements Results" describes how the bandwidths are created by some
generators. But a generator that believes self-reported results doesn't measure,
it just aggregates. (As does a peerflow-style generator.)

"Document" is vague. Let's describe what the document is: a list.

Let's use:
Tor Bandwidth List Format

What is the document?
A Tor Bandwidth List

How do I parse it?
Using the Tor Bandwidth List Format

Are there any similar formats?
The Tor Directory List Format


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