On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 04:12:21PM -0400, John Helmsen wrote:
> We are in the process of writing the documentation for Marionette, but the
> documentation on the web page should be sufficient for at least getting a full
> evaluation started.  We'd like to have the evaluation complete by the end of
> next month, hopefully the middle of next month, and stand ready to make any 
> and
> all changes necessary.
> A full set of documentation will also be written for designing your own
> protocols.  This is in process.
> Please let us know what you need.

The Tor Browser developers may have more specific requests, but I can
suggest some steps to get started.

Open a ticket at https://trac.torproject.org/ for discussion and to
track progress.
        Type: project
        Component: Applications/Tor Browser
        Keywords: marionette
The old ticket for FTE is a good reference: https://bugs.torproject.org/10362

And then it would help if you port your build process to the Tor Browser
build system. General information:
First, just build
        git clone https://git.torproject.org/builders/tor-browser-build.git
        cd tor-browser-build
        git checkout tbb-8.0a9-build3
        make testbuild # or, e.g., testbuild-linux-x86_64
Then you'll have to add a new project (consisting of a "build" and
"config" file) for Marionette and each of its dependencies. You can copy
from existing projects as templates. Here is the meek project, for
You'll also need to add bridge lines to:
To build just one project, not an entire release, do e.g.:
        rbm/rbm build gmp --target testbuild --target torbrowser-linux-x86_64
        rbm/rbm build marionette --target testbuild --target 
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