I run a relay 24/7, but sometimes also want to use Tor myself as a client. Until now, I've been using the Tor Button in my normal Firefox browser to switch in and out of Tor mode as needed, but now I see that going forward, the standalone Tor Browser Bundle is the only recommended way of using Tor as a client. How can I run the TBB on my system without interfering with my relay? When I just tried it now, the TBB brought up a second Vidalia instance which then tried to command my relay's existing Tor instance instead of spawning a second one for itself. This caused it to prompt for the relay's command interface password, but I cancelled out since I suspect that allowing the TBB to interfere with my relay's Tor process would lead to Bad Things, e.g. reconfiguring its options on the fly to a client-mode config and dropping all my users.

So... how do relay operators use Tor themselves, if they can't run TBB? Or is there a way to configure them to live safely together? Or have I misinterpreted the new TBB focus, and the relay bundles will continue to support use as a client in the future as they do now? I'm using Windows 7 if that matters, but I doubt it.

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