On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, SuperSluether wrote:

> After rebooting my Raspberry Pi for a few updates, Tor is not working
> properly. From the logs,
> [warn] OpenSSL version from headers does not match the version we're running
> with. If you get weird crashes, that might be why. (Compiled with 100010bf:
> OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8 Jan 2015; running with 1000114f: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May
> 2016).
> Everything else in the log looks normal, but right after bootstrap 85%
> (finishing handshake with first hop) it says this:
> [notice] Interrupt: we have stopped accepting new connections, and will shut
> down in 30 seconds. Interrupt again to exit now.

You did not say where you got your tor from.  I assume you are using
some version (or fork) of the debian package.  Which one?

At a guess, your system is too slow to start tor within the default
timeout of the systemd service.  Try raising the timeout.  (Which
systemd version are you using?)

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