
Thanks a lot for your explanation.

It was a kind of misunderstanding the subject (Please enable IPv6 on
your relay!) and also the instructions, what was written on the wiki

In other words, for non-exit relays, there is no need to enable IPv6 at
this time, only if you use it as a bridge and/or as an IPv6-only client.


On 13.10.2016 01:46, teor wrote:
>> On 13 Oct 2016, at 06:07, diffusae <diffu...@yahoo.se> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On 12.10.2016 07:18, Manny wrote:
>>> Oh and since I'm bugging you anyways - would it be useful to add ORPort
>>> [IPv6] as well? (same port as for 4 i guess?)
>> Yes, I've done this already. There are only a few number of IPv6
>> Clients, but I guess it would be useful. Most of the time, there are the
>> same. I don't know why?
>> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2015-May/007027.html
> That mailing list post was about an IPv6 ExitPolicy bug that we fixed
> in 0.2.7. This is how it works now on Tor Exits:
> For IPv4 and IPv6:
> ExitPolicy reject *:80
> For IPv6 only:
> ExitPolicy reject6 *:80
>> You cannot advertise the same DirPort on IPv4 and IPv6, but the ports
>> could be the same.
> No current tor version uses an IPv6 DirPort to connect to the network.
> Relays always use IPv4 to connect to the tor network, and they use
> IPv4 DirPorts to bootstrap.
> Clients gained the ability to use IPv6 ORPorts for bootstrap in 0.2.8,
> and we made client bootstrapping ORPort-only in the same release.
> So, in 0.2.7 and earlier, IPv6-only clients can use:
> * bridge IPv6 ORPorts by configuring a bridge with an IPv6 address.
> And in 0.2.8 and later, IPv6-only clients can use:
> * bridge IPv6 ORPorts by configuring a bridge with an IPv6 address, or
> * authority, fallback directory, and relay IPv6 ORPorts by configuring:
>   ClientUseIPv4 0
>   UseMicrodescriptors 0
> (IPv6-only clients can't bootstrap using microdescriptors yet, see:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/19608
> )
> This is experimental - being one of the rare IPv6-only clients on the
> network may harm your anonymity. (This is why you see the same few
> clients all the time.) But if your priority is local network
> censorship-evasion, then IPv6 might just work for you.
> T
> --
> Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
> teor2345 at gmail dot com
> PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
> ricochet:ekmygaiu4rzgsk6n
> xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
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