Hi folks,

my relay is running fine [zeiberschnitzel] and it got no errors. I can`t see anything in the logs either.
But when I do the command

#tor --verify-config

I got these outputs:

Dec 20 18:20:27.946 [notice] Tor v0.2.8.11 (git-9fc59eddc17a726a) running on Linux with Libevent 2.0.21-stable, OpenSSL 1.0.1t and Zlib 1.2.8. Dec 20 18:20:27.947 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning
Dec 20 18:20:27.947 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Dec 20 18:20:27.956 [warn] /var/lib/tor is not owned by this user (root, 0) but by debian-tor (105). Perhaps you are running Tor as the wrong user? Dec 20 18:20:27.957 [warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Couldn't access/create private data directory "/var/lib/tor"
Dec 20 18:20:27.957 [err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.

I would say it`s nothing tragical but I am curios about it.

Thanks and
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