You bet!

> On Oct 30, 2017, at 14:35, Damian Johnson <> wrote:
> Hi all! After five years Nyx (previously known as arm) is getting
> a far belated update. Under the covers the whole codebase has been
> rewritten from scratch, but for users things look much the same.
> One of those cases where...
>  "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done
>  anything at all." -Futurama
> Main changes are...
>  * Python 3.x support.
>  * New website:
>  * Bandwidth graph now prepopulates when you start up, so you
>    have a graph right away.
>  * Connections are now available without togging
>    DisableDebuggerAttachment in your torrc.
>  * Support for showing IPv6 connections.
>  * Dialog for picking tor events to log, rather than an arcane
>    letter flag input.
>  * Improved efficiency of log deduplication by multiple orders
>    of magnitude. As such verbose logs no longer peg your CPU.
>  * Richer control interpreter, including a python prompt like
>    IDLE.
>  * Removed features that frequently confused users such as the
>    relay setup wizard and torrc validation.
>  * Modernized dependencies. Nyx now uses Stem rather than TorCtl
>    (which was deprecated in 2011).
> Our ducks should finally be in a row for release, but this being
> a full rewrite I'd like to start with an open beta to work out
> anything I might have missed.
> Would relay operators mind giving Nyx a whirl? To give it a try
> simply ensure you have a control port available in your torrc...
>  ControlPort 9051
>  CookieAuthentication 1
> ... and run the following...
>  % git clone
>  % git clone
>  % cd nyx/
>  % ln -s ../stem/stem stem
>  % ./run_nyx
> Thanks! -Damian
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