No outbound filters, this is my config:

*-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT*
*-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT*
*-A INPUT -p tcp -m comment --comment "SSH" -s x.x.x.x -m state --state NEW
-m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT*
*-A INPUT -p tcp -m comment --comment "Tor" -m state --state NEW -m tcp
--dport 80 -j ACCEPT*
*-A INPUT -p tcp -m comment --comment "Tor" -m state --state NEW -m tcp
--dport 443 -j ACCEPT*
*-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited*
*-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited*

If I stop tor then "dig @" works 100%. It's seems like
the pattern is that when tor traffic builds up so do DNS failures. And then
my dig @ only succeeds about 0.1% of the time. At this stage large
amounts these errors start appearing:

*> Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: remote address
is port 53> Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice:
sendto failed: Operation not permitted*


On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 12:42 PM nusenu <> wrote:

> <> wrote:
> > Resent under the correct alias.
> >
> > I'm having high amounts of failures on this VPS (PulseServers). I run a
> > local unbound instance, and see an incredible amount of:
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation
> > not permitted
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: remote address is
> > port 53
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation
> > not permitted
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: remote address is
> > port 53
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation
> > not permitted
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: remote address is
> > port 53
> > Jan 17 19:27:33 torexit unbound: [559:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation
> > not permitted
> >
> > To give proportion to "incredible amount",
> > Jan 17 19:21:32 torexit rsyslogd: imjournal: 9897 messages lost due to
> > rate-limiting
> > Jan 17 19:22:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 1216 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:22:32 torexit journal: Suppressed 1209 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:23:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 1827 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:23:32 torexit journal: Suppressed 2333 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:24:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 3029 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:24:32 torexit journal: Suppressed 2822 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:25:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 2715 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:25:32 torexit journal: Suppressed 3166 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:26:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 4093 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:26:32 torexit journal: Suppressed 45878 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:27:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 30125 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:27:32 torexit journal: Suppressed 31764 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> > Jan 17 19:28:02 torexit journal: Suppressed 31229 messages from
> > /system.slice/unbound.service
> >
> > Could it be limits from the VPS provider on the amount of outbound udp/53
> > connections?
> To me this looks more like a local problem?
> Are you doing any packet filtering on the host (outbound)?
> Does DNS work on that host if you try manual queries?
> From the IPs in your logs I assume your unbound is configured to query
> recursively itself (no upstream forwarding) that is good, can you confirm
> that
> and provide your unbound config + iptalbes -vnL?
> --
> twitter: @nusenu_

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