On 07/01/2018 03:18 PM, teor wrote:
>> On 2 Jul 2018, at 02:27, Kay Slake <jupitersto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'd like to opt out of to relays. It's too technical for me. Thank you
> You can unsubscribe here:
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> T

Maybe y'all ought to edit the list sig. I vaguely recall ...

| To Unsubscribe, visit https://...

... being common, back in the day. The mptcp-dev list still has it. It's
no longer the norm, sure. But isn't it true that unsubscribing is the
main reason to visit the listinfo page? And seeing archives, of course.
tor-relays mailing list

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