Hi Gary

Does it fail as well if you disable tor? Also 600/900 connections is not
that high, and I would argue that you could get to that level even without
Tor client, especially with internet-of-things, where all devices gain IP

It might be a software stability issue. Have you verified with your isp if
there are any software updates available?
I could also be a hardware issue. As second option, try to get a

Kind regards

On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 at 11:52 Gary <jaffacakemonste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I keep having issues with my home router - it keeps failing due to the
> number of connections and I would be grateful for some advice.
> I have been running a (non-exit) middle relay for some time and up until
> now my router has mostly coped. It is what is what I got from my ISP, I
> can't afford to get a new one. At the minute I had to reset it on a daily
> basis which not only breaks tor circuits, but I am finding it increasingly
> hard to convince other people I live with that we need the relay when it
> causes them browsing issues.
> My relay connects via wire Ethernet.
> When I get to (approx) 900 incoming / 600 outgoing tor connections the
> router goes TITSUP.
> ACCOUNTING MAX is set to 8GBytes, I think the actual daily usage is about
> 4 GB though.
> RelayBandwidthRate is 250 KBytes, RelayBandwitdthBurst is 500KBytes.
> Although there are a few other devices / phones also connected, however I
> would estimate not more than a combined 2 GB daily HTTP / HTTPS traffic for
> all devices. No file sharing / P2P other than tor.
> My DSL speed is approx 50 mbits download / 15 mbits upload
> I dont want to keep resetting my router every day, I would be grateful for
> any advice.
> Many Thanks.
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