On 12/20/18 09:25, Toralf Förster wrote:
> On 12/20/18 3:13 PM, Matt Traudt wrote:
>> "ORPort auto" means let Tor pick. It picks at random (technically, I
>> think it lets the kernel pick and the kernel picks at random, but the
>> outcome is the same).
> Understood.
> But b/c this:
>       sed -e "s/^ORPort.*/ORPort $((RANDOM))/g" /etc/tor/torrc
> is IMO more easier I do wonder about the use case for ":auto"?

When you're controlling Tor with something like stem and you need **a**
port, not a **specific** port. Especially if you want to be guaranteed
that you will get a port (what if something is listening on $RANDOM

For example, Simple Bandwidth Scanner launches Tor for itself and tells
it 'SocksPort auto'. It's conceivable someone wants to control a relay
with a script in a similar manner.

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