
Just a report-back: https://twitter.com/EmeraldOnion/status/1160694122069422080

"It took us 128 days to go from 1Gbps to 10Gbps advertised bandwidth with the 
progressive deployment of up to 56 relays (April 2 to August 8, 2019). In terms 
of actual bandwidth, we have a sustained throughout of roughly 5-6Gbps. We can 
sustain up to 15Gbps and burst to 20Gbps."

Currently we're the fifth largest exit family at 1.2220% consensus weight, 
1247.67 MiB/s         advertised bandwidth, and 5.5546% exit probability. It 
costs us $1,600 per month, in donations, to manage this service. As you may 
know, we are all volunteers.

There was some additional feedback that we got from Nusenu regarding capping 
bandwidth of individual Tor processes, and using a second IP for exit traffic. 
We are still trying to determine the per-process max bandwidth on our two 
hardware platforms, but we are planning on enabling these caps for quality of 
the service.

When we originally deployed many new relays using Ansible-Relayor, we used a 
second IP per process. However, due to routing troubleshooting and relays not 
showing up on Relay Search, we removed the second IPs. We are still using only 
one per relay. We also found it challenging to manage this many relay IPs with 
Ansible-Relayor. Ansible-Relayor uses sequential IPs based on the listing from 
ifconfig. This presents a challenge because it is difficult to setup forward 
and reverse DNS in a predictable way.

The second issue we have with running a secondary IP per Tor process is system 
load. Having more IPs opens more sockets, and we are already putting a lot of 
load on these multi-core servers. The third issue is that when people block our 
IPs, they block the scope. Should we use a secondary IP per relay if the IP is 
in the same scope? Should we then use two /24 scopes, and wouldn't both scopes 
end up getting blocked? If we were to use a second /24 for relays, how will 
Ansible-Relayor know to use a second IP scope for exiting?

IPv4 dependency is a real burden. We would like to see Tor Project help Tor 
network operators more directly, both financially and securing IPv4 scopes for 
nonprofit organizations to take ownership of. The latter is needed until we can 
stop using IPv4 completely and operate only with IPv6.

It is discouraging to see so many small and large network operators not using 
IPv6. Why is this such a problem? Tor Project, please increase your #IPv6 
awareness/outreach similar to how ARIN and the other RIRs try very hard to do.


Christopher Sheats
Executive Director for Emerald Onion
Email: yawn...@emeraldonion.org
Office (& Signal): +1-206-739-3390
Website: https://emeraldonion.org/

-----Original Message-----
From: tor-relays <tor-relays-boun...@lists.torproject.org> On Behalf Of grarpamp
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 12:45 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Emerald Onion's new relays

On 4/4/19, Conrad Rockenhaus <con...@rockenhaus.com> wrote:
>> when ISPs are ordered to BGP blackhole some exit IP addresses

> I've been assigning a second set of IP addresses to my servers in case 
> I want to run another instance of Tor. Would it be more prudent to use 
> that second set of IP addresses as an OutboundBindAddressExit instead 
> and use different ports as a better practice?

ISP traffic filtering sinks,  from the tor browser perspective, affecting 
traffic exiting a relay out through its exitpolicy to clearnet, can be...

- dst based "sink traffic to there", appears as "cnn.com down", a minor issue, 
depending on scope of the sink.

- src based "sink traffic from there", appears as "Internet down", a major 
issue, depending on scope of the sink.

Unlike websites, and unless they're tied playing [geo]politics, ISP's really 
don't like to keep these sinks in place for a long time.

Relay management such as OS updates, ssh, wget could get blocked if those 
addresses are in consensus.

Then there is relay-to-relay traffic types that don't "exit", but can still get 
found and blocked.

And the OR IP must be obviously not be blocked, else depending on scope, the 
relay won't receive traffic to move out any horizon.

Tor should still allow config of 2 tor instances on one IP.

If IP's are "free", and if operator survey says the exit functions are getting 
knocked off the tor network more often than entire OR's, try putting out the 
OutboundBindAddressExit on IP for sacrifice, instead of burning entire OR's 
which could otherwise be used more quietly as middle relays etc.

An operators own cost, management, and ISP relationships may show running more 
relays is better IP, or net traffic pushed, wise than enduring a few sinks now 
and then.

Probably every situation is different. Or try both and see.

Common options from the manpage...

       Address address
       ORPort [address:]PORT|auto [flags]
       OutboundBindAddress IP
       OutboundBindAddressOR IP
       OutboundBindAddressExit IP

First one implemented was OutboundBindAddress, then came OutboundBindAddressOR 
and OutboundBindAddressExit. All for different matrix of reasons.
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