
> On 5 Sep 2019, at 03:54, potlatch <potla...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> I had TorExitFin [0] down for a few days hoping the non-Tor Iranian intruders 
> would wander off.  I restarted it today and before NYX could come up there 
> were 257 Iranian IPs present (nicely automated!).  The IP addresses range 
> over all of the IP addresses allotted to Iran so their usage must come from a 
> high authority to get that kind of access.  NYX communications page showed 
> that none of these had hashed fingerprints.  At the same time 3 IPs came up 
> from other countries with fingerprints.  Should I leave this shut down for 
> the security of the network?
> -potlatch
> [0]  9B31F1F1C1554F9FFB3455911F82E818EF7C7883

It's not an attack.

It looks like a bad interaction between tor and Iran's censorship.
Or genuine usage of tor by an app or a whole bunch of users.

See this ticket for more details:

You should do whatever you need to do to keep your relay running.
If you can, accept the traffic, rate-limit the traffic, or drop the
traffic (without replying at all).

We're working on a fix on the tor side.


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