
> On 17 Feb 2020, at 00:54, LeoR <leoj...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> I am waiting for the reponse from the people on the bad-relays list. I 
> provided FINGERPRINT and IP address of my relays.
> Specifically, I am managing the following:
> IP        Fingerprint
>    905EB77A63857E6EFCF04D734A547B0995D85C3B (previously 
> E7E2A76191500600982E8A0664DBDDE982F65265)
> It now has ContactInfo but it is still offline. Could a relay be banned for 
> omitting ContactInfo only?

It looks like you missed my second question:

> Here's a few things you can check right away:
> * Did you set ContactInfo ?
> * Did you set MyFamily ?

Try setting MyFamily and ContactInfo on all your relays, and then
writing another email to bad-relays.


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