
> On 21 Feb 2020, at 20:21, Mario Costa <mario.co...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Just reporting back after some time. Today I noticed that my relay running 
> at home with a dynamic IP got a guard flag again. So it’s totally possible 
> for a relay to become a guard even after the authorities notice that it has a 
> dynamic IP address.It must be noted though that the IP address didn’t change 
> since it lost the guard flag the first time.
> It looks like I had it wrong when I concluded that after the first IP change 
> the relay wouldn’t became a guard anymore.
> For reference, the relay fingerprint is 
> F942EE73F1B8E39125F617FA85E80E4C9E540A2E.

The guard flag depends on uptime and bandwidth.
(IP address changes create downtime and reset bandwidth.)

I really wouldn't worry about it too much.

Clients have multiple guards, they'll switch to another one if yours goes down.


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