On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 1:05 PM Georg Koppen <g...@torproject.org> wrote:
> Yes, we realized that the GeoIP db needs an update again[1]. However
> there is currently no newer version available[2] it seems. :(

The issue is not the version of libloc. The problem resides in an
outdated local database. The library and binaries are not the same
project/build as the database project[1], which gets updated daily.
The database is not being updated for Tor.

If you check the current lookup for the mentioned IP[2], it results in:
- Network:
- Announced by: AS197540 - netcup GmbH
- Country: Austria
This seems to be correct, like Martin said it should be.

[1] https://git.ipfire.org/?p=location/location-database.git;a=summary
[2] https://location.ipfire.org/lookup/
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