
IMHO, this is not a good idea. Tor relay IPs are public, so they are likely to 
be blocked as part of censorship in some countries. This will greatly reduce 
the usefulness of the bridge running on the same IP. Running both at the same 
time on the same public IP does not add much value.

If you are running this on your home network, I recommend running a bridge 
only. Now the problem is that your public IP is already known as a Tor node, so 
switching to running just a bridge at this point will not help that much.

Running a non-exit relay from your home is also mostly (legally) safe, but be 
prepared to encounter problems with some websites. Some sites/CDNs block all 
Tor node IP addresses, not just exits, out of laziness/stupidity/etc.

Best regards,

------- Original Message -------

On Saturday, March 19th, 2022 at 12:06 AM, Thoughts 
<thoug...@kevinsthoughts.com> wrote:

> Currently running both a guard relay and a bridge, one each on two
> different systems, but both behind the same firewall and static IP.
> Curious if this is a good idea, or if one or the other is of much
> greater value.

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