I found in syslog file:
http status 400 ("Fingerprint and/or ed25519 identity is marked rejected
-- if you think this is a mistake please set a valid email address in
ContactInfo and send an email to bad-rel...@lists.torproject.org
mentioning your fingerprint(s)?") response from dirserver Please correct.
http status 400 ("Fingerprint and/or ed25519 identity is marked rejected
-- if you think this is a mistake please set a valid email address in
ContactInfo and send an email to bad-rel...@lists.torproject.org
mentioning your fingerprint(s)?") response from dirserver Please correct.
http status 400 ("Fingerprint and/or ed25519 identity is marked rejected
-- if you think this is a mistake please set a valid email address in
ContactInfo and send an email to bad-rel...@lists.torproject.org
mentioning your fingerprint(s)?") response from dirserver Please correct.
http status 400 ("Fingerprint and/or ed25519 identity is marked rejected
-- if you think this is a mistake please set a valid email address in
ContactInfo and send an email to bad-rel...@lists.torproject.org
mentioning your fingerprint(s)?") response from dirserver Please correct.
http status 400 ("Fingerprint and/or ed25519 identity is marked rejected
-- if you think this is a mistake please set a valid email address in
ContactInfo and send an email to bad-rel...@lists.torproject.org
mentioning your fingerprint(s)?") response from dirserver Please correct.
Unable to find IPv6 address for ORPort 443. You might want to specify
IPv4Only to it or set an explicit address or set Address. [60 similar
message(s) suppressed in last 3540 seconds]

Torrc file attached. VPS servers are online and working.
I setup IPv6 on one VPS and restarted tor, but it doesn't solve the
problem fully.

On 2022-04-11 06:34, li...@for-privacy.net wrote:
> On Sunday, April 10, 2022 2:04:02 AM CEST onion...@riseup.net wrote:
>> > 30 new exits at Frantec. Did you follow the AUP and send Francisco a
>> > ticket
>> > _beforehand_? Reverse DNS! Exit policy Port: 465, 587!
>> > https://buyvm.net/acceptable-use-policy/
>> No, we did not pay attention to their AUP. We have long been using their
>> services for proxy and there were no problems. Thank you for reminding.
>> > You only set up IPv4. At Frantek you also have IPv6 on every VM. If you
>> > need help setting it up, you can ask here and specify your OS.
>> We think that IPv6 is rarely used and therefore did not put it up.
> The Tor project has invested a lot of time and effort into improving IPv6 
> over 
> the last few years. The aim is to also enable IPv6 only relays. We want to 
> achieve more diversity, Tor-exit relays under different ASNs and multiple 
> ISPs. With IPv4 this is difficult. IP's are empty and to get a /24 you have 
> to 
> pay around 5000,- EUR in the first year with RIPE. One /24 is the least you 
> can announce as an ASN. You can't split that between different data centers. 
> IPv6 is easier and cheaper to get. In addition, there are more and more ISPs 
> that only offer IPv6.
> IPv6 only relays are only possible when almost all Tor relays support it. 
> Currently about 75% Tor exits¹ and 50% entry/middle relays.
> https://nusenu.github.io/OrNetStats/#ipv6-relay-stats
> Therefore, anyone who can should configure IPv6 or dual stack.
>> Site
>> yui.cat shows that our nodes offline because not configured IPv6, right?
> No, yui.cat has nothing to do with it. This is a private status page using 
> data from onionoo and Tor-metrics.
> First look at what's in the syslog. If you need help then post the errors and 
> your torrc.
> When the Tor daemon is running without errors than as already mentioned, I 
> think Francisco took you offline because your relays were blacklisted for 
> open 
> SMTP ports. Check if you have tickets in stallion. Or ask in the Frantech 
> community chat on Discord, Matrix and IRC.
> ¹Heck, we've lost some IPv6 % since relayon is down. :-(
> _______________________________________________
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Nickname Chive
MyFamily 9EC5083BC187C911841B1CAFAD9EE634CEB90EC4, 
ContactInfo url:https://onionize.me proof:uri-rsa ciissversion:2 
email:onion...@riseup.net abuse:onion...@riseup.net 
hoster:https://my.frantech.ca btc:bc1qy2lk552ceuzdjt3zc3rnqglwe4x2y3nw3nkedg
SocksPort 0
ORPort 443
ControlPort 9051
CookieAuthentication 1
ExitRelay 1
#Standard reduced policy
ExitPolicy accept *:20-21     # FTP
ExitPolicy accept *:22        # SSH
ExitPolicy accept *:23        # Telnet
ExitPolicy accept *:43        # WHOIS
ExitPolicy accept *:53        # DNS
ExitPolicy accept *:79        # finger
ExitPolicy accept *:80-81     # HTTP
ExitPolicy accept *:88        # kerberos
ExitPolicy accept *:110       # POP3
ExitPolicy accept *:143       # IMAP
ExitPolicy accept *:194       # IRC
ExitPolicy accept *:220       # IMAP3
ExitPolicy accept *:389       # LDAP
ExitPolicy accept *:443       # HTTPS
ExitPolicy accept *:464       # kpasswd
ExitPolicy accept *:465       # URD for SSM (more often: an alternative 
SUBMISSION port, see 587)
ExitPolicy accept *:531       # IRC/AIM
ExitPolicy accept *:543-544   # Kerberos
ExitPolicy accept *:554       # RTSP
ExitPolicy accept *:563       # NNTP over SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:587       # SUBMISSION (authenticated clients [MUA's like 
Thunderbird] send mail over STARTTLS SMTP here)
ExitPolicy accept *:636       # LDAP over SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:706       # SILC
ExitPolicy accept *:749       # kerberos 
ExitPolicy accept *:853       # DNS over TLS
ExitPolicy accept *:873       # rsync
ExitPolicy accept *:902-904   # VMware
ExitPolicy accept *:981       # Remote HTTPS management for firewall
ExitPolicy accept *:989-990   # FTP over SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:991       # Netnews Administration System
ExitPolicy accept *:992       # TELNETS
ExitPolicy accept *:993       # IMAP over SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:994       # IRCS
ExitPolicy accept *:995       # POP3 over SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:1194      # OpenVPN
ExitPolicy accept *:1220      # QT Server Admin
ExitPolicy accept *:1293      # PKT-KRB-IPSec
ExitPolicy accept *:1500      # VLSI License Manager
ExitPolicy accept *:1533      # Sametime
ExitPolicy accept *:1677      # GroupWise
ExitPolicy accept *:1723      # PPTP
ExitPolicy accept *:1755      # RTSP
ExitPolicy accept *:1863      # MSNP
ExitPolicy accept *:2082      # Infowave Mobility Server
ExitPolicy accept *:2083      # Secure Radius Service (radsec)
ExitPolicy accept *:2086-2087 # GNUnet, ELI
ExitPolicy accept *:2095-2096 # NBX
ExitPolicy accept *:2102-2104 # Zephyr
ExitPolicy accept *:3128      # SQUID
ExitPolicy accept *:3389      # MS WBT
ExitPolicy accept *:3690      # SVN
ExitPolicy accept *:4321      # RWHOIS
ExitPolicy accept *:4643      # Virtuozzo
ExitPolicy accept *:5050      # MMCC
ExitPolicy accept *:5190      # ICQ
ExitPolicy accept *:5222-5223 # XMPP, XMPP over SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:5228      # Android Market
ExitPolicy accept *:5900      # VNC
ExitPolicy accept *:6660-6669 # IRC
ExitPolicy accept *:6679      # IRC SSL  
ExitPolicy accept *:6697      # IRC SSL  
ExitPolicy accept *:8000      # iRDMI
ExitPolicy accept *:8008      # HTTP alternate
ExitPolicy accept *:8074      # Gadu-Gadu
ExitPolicy accept *:8080      # HTTP Proxies
ExitPolicy accept *:8082      # HTTPS Electrum Bitcoin port
ExitPolicy accept *:8087-8088 # Simplify Media SPP Protocol, Radan HTTP
ExitPolicy accept *:8232-8233 # Zcash
ExitPolicy accept *:8332-8333 # Bitcoin
ExitPolicy accept *:8443      # PCsync HTTPS
ExitPolicy accept *:8888      # HTTP Proxies, NewsEDGE
ExitPolicy accept *:9418      # git
ExitPolicy accept *:9999      # distinct
ExitPolicy accept *:10000     # Network Data Management Protocol
ExitPolicy accept *:11371     # OpenPGP hkp (http keyserver protocol)
ExitPolicy accept *:19294     # Google Voice TCP
ExitPolicy accept *:19638     # Ensim control panel
ExitPolicy accept *:50002     # Electrum Bitcoin SSL
ExitPolicy accept *:64738     # Mumble
ExitPolicy reject *:*
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