On Wednesday, June 8, 2022 3:39:55 AM CEST Sarthik Gupta wrote:

> The tor-weather service will offer a plethora of notifications options for
> the relays.
If you program something new, see if you can use the old code:
As far as I know, nusenu is also building something new. I don't know if he 
has already done something. He'll read this and get in touch.

dream: someone resuscitates OnionTip.com or TorTip.com

> These include, the node being down, running on EOL/Outdated
> version, losing a flag, ranking in top 20/50/100, etc. These notifications
> can be subscribed & customized by the relay operators to fit their needs
> using a web-frontend.
Please not 'losing a flag'
This confuses people and encourages even more people not to update their 
relays. Or like at the moment: 2 Authority voting running relays offline & 
flags come and go. Then this list is flooded with mails.

> Folks interested in the project can refer this
> <https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2022-May/014734.html>
> thread in the tor-dev mailing list for regular updates. Suggestions are
> always welcomed! Please reach out to us in irc (#tor-dev) for any ideas,
> questions, or suggestions you might have.

Unfortunately, comments are not allowed in:

The email provided in the ContactInfo is obfuscated in most of the cases as 
they should be according to the torrc documentation. Hence this information 
cannot be relied upon.

Please replace the link to the outdated jessie manpage
use stable 'bullseye' or

You _MAY_ want to obscure is in the torrc not _SHOULD_ And especially in the 
last few weeks, several Tor Dev's have asked:
- DO NOT obfuscate your contact information! Maintainers already burn a lot of 
time trying to decipher obfuscated contact info!

Every reasonable email provider has spamassassin and amavisd-new running. We 
should tell people to use the header: 'X-Spam-Level: YES'

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

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