On Freitag, 24. Februar 2023 04:11:27 CET Keifer Bly wrote:
> Yes, the limit is 50GB per month, but for some reason the distribution
> mechanism is not updating and the bridge keeps going offline despite the
> new torrc.

What comes to my mind without logs (& your 'killall -HUP' of a systemd service 
is not optimal), your wrong config (2x same Port) has maxed out 'Restart=on-

~# systemctl stop tor
~# systemctl list-units --failed

if not zero than:
~# systemctl reset-failed
~# systemctl start tor

To see if the tor.service has finished successfully:
~# systemctl status tor

if not, read log:
journalctl -xe

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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