1 Gbps advertised is the NIC of the server itself.

The NIC, however, is shared with other VPS accounts on the bare metal.

Shared resources (even on KVM) are the definition of VPS and why they're cheaper.

If you want the performance you seek, you're looking for dedicated/co-location, not a VPS.

------ Original Message ------
From "Landon" <re...@mynetblog.com>
To tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Date 22/4/2024 4:02:21 πμ
Subject [tor-relays] I need a new VPS provider


I am currently using gcore.com as my VPS hosting provider. I have been running a Tor bridge with them for several years now. I am supposed to be getting 200 Mbps unmetered bandwidth. However, in the past six months, my bandwidth usage has been declining a lot. It seems like they might be throttling my server. I was getting over 2000 connected clients and now I'm down to less than 600. "iftop" shows me about 30 to 60 Mbps bandwidth usage during any time of the day. Take a look...


So, I am trying to find a Tor friendly VPS provider that offers 1 Gbps unmetered bandwidth. I found my current provider in an article describing Tor friendly providers, but I cannot locate that link.

I am currently paying about 15 Euros a month for a server with 2 cores, 4 GB RAM and 100 GB SSD. I would like to pay about the same for my new service. In my search, I have found some better providers, but they don't seem to be Tor friendly.

Do you have a good provider that you really like that offers inexpensive VPS? I would prefer one located in the USA if possible, but I guess it doesn't matter if the bandwidth is good.

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