Your bridge will wake up around the beginning of the accounting period stated 
by `AccountingStart`. Here is more information about it and other related 
configuration options:

If you do not have `AccountingStart` in your `torrc` file, your bridge will 
stay dormant after reaching the specified `AccountingMax` value you have 
configured. Any inactive Tor relays will be delisted from Tor Metrics after one 


May 14, 2024, 11:42 PM by

> Hi,
> So for my bridge at 
> Is set to hibernate once it reaches a certain traffic level (this is to 
> prevent massive charges to my VPS). Now that is in hibernation, when will it 
> start again, and how would this effect how it's distributed? Are bridges that 
> are hibernating removed from relay search? Mew to hibernation, thanks.
> May 14 18:49:39.000 [notice] Configured to measure statistics. Look for the 
> *-stats files that will first be written to the data directory in 24 hours 
> from now.
> May 14 18:49:39.000 [warn] You are running Tor as root. You don't need to, 
> and you probably shouldn't.
> May 14 18:49:39.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
> May 14 18:49:47.000 [notice] Starting with guard context "default"
> May 14 18:49:47.000 [notice] Registered server transport 'obfs4' at 
> '[::]:8081'
> May 14 18:49:48.000 [notice] Bandwidth soft limit reached; commencing 
> hibernation. No new connections will be accepted
> May 14 18:49:48.000 [notice] Going dormant. Blowing away remaining 
> connections.
> May 14 18:49:48.000 [notice] Delaying directory fetches: We are hibernating 
> or shutting down.
> --Keifer

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