Greetings everyone!

Almost three months ago I have set up my first node. Everything seemed to be 
going great at first and as documented in the tor lifecycle blog post.
A few days after being set up the weight drastically dropped to around twenty. 
This seemed a bit odd since that same blog post doesn't mention anything about 
weight dropping so much, but it does about bandwidth, ao I just shrugged it off 
and assumed it was normal.

Anyway, fast forward to today, and the weight hasn't really gotten above two 
hundred, it has been a month and a half I think since the weight drop, and it 
has been stale at a weight of between one hundred eighty and two hundred.

I can't put my finger on what is exactly the problem, the relay currently has 
six flags: Fast, HSDir, Running, Stable, V2Dir and Valid. Shortly after the 
drop I have even seen the Guard flag for like a day.
The server has capacity and is dedicated solely to being a relay, and the ISP 
is in the good providers list.

The fingerprint of the node is ACC72E6D0FA76168AE1BA7F26996D191FEA7C9D8. Maybe 
someone in this list can give me a hand and point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance!
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