Hi Natahn,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Well, I am having a few problems incorporating littelproxy (https://github.com/mrog/LittleProxy - a proxy server running on Android) code into my app. Not that simple, at least for me.

"Every Proxy" from Gorilla Software uses littleproxy as its foundation. It seems to work reasonably well on Android. This gives me hope that I will be able to resolve my problems.

I have netguard. It's not designed to be used as part of another app. There is a lot of "stripping" to be done. It's an option I have not ruled out.

I would still prefer to use a proxy server. I think that in the end it would give me more flexibility and control.


Alex Donnini

P.S. I have tried a few other open source proxy servers none of them successfully (e.g. https://github.com/mileraheel/android-proxy-app)

Nathan Freitas wrote:

On Mar 30, 2022, at 10:36 AM, Alessandro Donnini via tor-talk 
<tor-talk@lists.torproject.org> wrote:


I apologize in advance if this question (see below) was asked (and answered) 
previously. I could not find any information on it.

I would like to incorporate a proxy server in my Androd app to perform gate 
keeping and toll taking functions.

Orbot is described as

"... and also provides an HTTP Proxy for connecting web browsers and other HTTP 
client applications into the Tor SOCKS interface. ..."

Could (a modified) Orbot be used as a device-based proxy server without 
interfacing with the Tor network?
It isn’t really meant for that, and would be overkill.

Running a local proxy server in an Android Service isn’t that difficult.

Alternatively, you could use the VPNBuilder interface, which would make "gate 
keeping and toll taking functions” work quite well.

I would look at NetGuard for that: https://github.com/M66B/NetGuard


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