On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 06:30:50 -0400
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/rend-spec.txt
> I think there are some errors in this document...
> === item 1 ===
> line 251:
> "time-period" changes periodically as a function of time and
> "permanent-id".

This is correct.

> === item 2 ===
> The paragraph around line 262 gets weird in places...
> - The document fails to declare Bob's 'permanent identifier'
> that was used for the example. ie: abcdefghijklmnop.onion

That is not the permanent identifier used in the example in that
paragraph.  But I see no reason to specify a whole permanent identifier
for that example.

> - line 262, I show:
> (13753 * 86400 - 1188241957) * 256 / 86400 = 51.0903703703
> (1188241957 + 51 * 86400 / 256) / 86400 = 13752.9996469907
> So the '143' on that line seems bogus. Am I missing something? Where
> did it come from?

The calculations in that paragraph are correct.  “/” is used to
indicate integer division.

> === item 3 ===
> Should at least one of the eight dir-source's be running the stable
> train (, to be able to respond to v0 descriptor requests
> (/tor/rendezvous/)? At least for testing until client-versions
> forces said clients (and testers) and their v0 queries out.

tor26 is configured as a v0 hidden-service authority.

> === item 4 ===
> Remove blank line at 252 and rewrap :)

No.  That blank line was intentional.

Robert Ransom

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