On Sat, 06 Aug 2011 20:17 +0200, "Robin Kipp" <mli...@robin-kipp.net>
> Hi all,
> so, I'd like to use Tor on my Mac, and access the web through its network
> of servers. So far so good, but as I'm familiar with Linux and the shell,
> I don't want to bring up Tor using the Vidalia GUI, but rather call it
> from Terminal and later on have both Tor and Polipo launched as daemons.
> So, I had a look at both the Torrc.sample file (Which I then renamed to
> torrc and moved to /Applications/Vidalia.app/tor). Also, I had a look at
> polipo.conf, however didn't change any of the settings. Then, I launched
> Tor as follows:
> Robins-MacBook-Air:MacOS owomac$ ./tor
> Aug 06 20:01:55.509 [notice] Tor v0.2.1.30. This is experimental
> software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Darwin
> x86_64)
> Aug 06 20:01:55.512 [notice] Initialized libevent version 2.0.10-stable
> using method kqueue. Good.
> Aug 06 20:01:55.512 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
> Aug 06 20:01:55.513 [notice] Parsing GEOIP file.
> Aug 06 20:01:55.938 [notice] OpenSSL OpenSSL 0.9.8p 16 Nov 2010 looks
> like version 0.9.8m or later; I will try SSL_OP to enable renegotiation
> Aug 06 20:01:57.392 [notice] We now have enough directory information to
> build circuits.
> Aug 06 20:01:57.392 [notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor
> network.
> Aug 06 20:01:58.635 [notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with
> first hop.
> Aug 06 20:02:02.963 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor
> circuit.
> Aug 06 20:02:03.924 [notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks
> like client functionality is working.
> Aug 06 20:02:03.924 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
> Afterwards, I launched Polipo in a separate process:
> Disabling disk cache: No such file or directory
> Disabling local tree: No such file or directory
> Established listening socket on port 8123.
> This, in itself, is already weird, as Polipo, by default, is supposed to
> bind to port 8118 as opposed to 8123. So then, when I configure the
> preferences for my network card and specify the web proxy and secure web
> proxy, I specify localhost as the hostname and 8123 as the port. When I
> confirm and apply the config changes, I can access the web just fine
> through Safari (I'm visually impaired, and unfortunately can't use
> Firefox on the Mac due to the lack of screen reader support). When I open
> a website such as Google in Safari after applying the new settings, the
> site loads just fine. However, when I open check.torproject.org, I get a
> message saying that I'm not using for. Also, browsing to a site like
> whatismyip.org shows my own IP, not the IP of a Tor server. When I change
> my proxy settings to port 8118, however, it doesn't work at all - Safari
> reports that it can't connect to the proxy. So then, I tried quitting
> both Tor and Polipo services and then launched the Vidalia GUI.
>   This then reported that Tor was running, and in fact, when I set up
>   proxy connectivity again and set the port to 8118, it worked just fine.
>   I then tried removing the /Applications/Vidalia.app folder, the
>   /Library/Vidalia folder and the ~/.tor folders. Afterwards, I tried
>   setting up everything once again, however the issue is still present.
>   So, when I call both the Tor and Polipo services from Terminal, Polipo
>   obviously binds to a wrong port and seems to accept and forward
>   connections, but they are not routed through Tor and thus Polipo isn't
>   working properly. Only when both services are launched through the
>   Vidalia GUI, everything seems to be just fine. So, what do I need to do
>   in order to get them to work from Terminal?
> Thanks for any help!
> Robin
> _______________________________________________

Are you pointing Polipo to the correct polipo.conf file when launching
it from the command line? Such as
/Applications/Vidalia.app/Contents/MacOS/polipo -c


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