On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 07:23:46 -0400
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tor cannot accept known 'illegal' money, therefore acknowledgement
> is moot. About the best Tor could do is be able to accept anonymous
> donations in the first place. Then publish a bitcoin address for
> donations from anyone. Then surely some unaffiliated and helpful bird
> would send to SR the links to that address and to this thread.

This is correct. We've refused donations and grants from organizations
that were sketchy enough to be worried, not aligned with our goals,
and/or one hop removed from something on the OFAC banned list[0]. 

On the other side, as a non-profit, we publish our donors and sponsors
both on our sponsor page[1] and in our financial reports[2]. 

> Not sure, but I think at one point Tor accepted bitcoin, but then
> recanted.

We've never accepted bitcoin. We point bitcoin donators at other
organizations, see https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate#bitcoin.
The EFF accepted bitcoins and then removed it. We chose not to fight
this battle[3].


[1] https://www.torproject.org/about/sponsors.html.en

[2] https://www.torproject.org/about/financials.html.en

[3] https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/06/eff-and-bitcoin/

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