On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 14:55:02 -0400
Greg Norcie <g...@norcie.com> wrote:
> 1.) Include small windows, apple, and tux logos on the download link
> on the main tor page... these could serve as a symbolic cue that it
> is a download link.

We had these in the past and people didn't recognize their own OS or
what they were. Those interviewed thought they were just odd
icons. However, I'm open to trying again. Maybe we have a new userbase.

> 2.) Once on the download page, in the drop down list of languages that
> is defaulted to "English" include a US and UK flag. Include flags from
> representative countries in each language[1]. This is a common design
> pattern on sites being accesed by many people speaking many languages
> (eg: transit sites based in Europe)

We had this in the past. The problem we ran into is people getting
really angry, or thoroughly confused, at the flag not matching their
language. You noted this in your footnote too. I don't have a good
option for this. Suggestions, advice, and patches welcome.

Making the language drop down larger can possibly help.

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