On Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:59:39 -0600
Ed Fletcher <e...@fletcher.ca> wrote:

> There has been lots of discussion on this list about the Safeplug, which 
> didn't garner much enthusiasm from the list members.  I haven't seen 
> this project mentioned:
> http://www.orp1.com/
> An open-source software and hardware router for Tor, vpn, etc.  Being 
> open-source, it eliminates a lot of the concerns expressed about the 
> Safeplug.  The downside is it costs US$400.

You can make yourself an open-source router by flashing OpenWRT to any of the
hundreds of OpenWRT's supported models. Or if you are really serious and by
"open source router" mean it also must be Open Hardware, then there should be
still much cheaper options available. For example this board[1], can be
combined with any VLAN-capable switch and act as a perfectly capable router
(although this particular model does not have gigabit LAN).


With respect,

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