What pros and cons does it have in comparision with TorChat?
Am 29.10.2015 22:12 schrieb "Sukhbir Singh" <az...@riseup.net>:

> Hi,
> Today we are releasing a new, beta version of Tor Messenger, based on
> Instantbird [0], an instant messaging client developed in the Mozilla
> community.
> * What is it?
> Tor Messenger is a cross-platform chat program that aims to be secure by
> default and sends all of its traffic over Tor.  It supports a wide variety
> of
> transport networks, including Jabber (XMPP), IRC, Google Talk, Facebook
> Chat,
> Twitter, Yahoo, and others; enables Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging [1]
> automatically; and has an easy-to-use graphical user interface localized
> into
> multiple languages.
> * What it isn't...
> Tor Messenger builds on the networks you are familiar with, so that you can
> continue communicating in a way your contacts are willing and able to do.
> This
> has traditionally been in a client-server model, meaning that your metadata
> (specifically the relationships between contacts) can be logged by the
> server.
> However, your route to the server will be hidden because you are
> communicating
> over Tor.
> We are also excited about systems like Pond [2] and Ricochet [3], which
> try to
> solve this problem, and would encourage you to look at their designs and
> use
> them too.
> * Why Instantbird?
> We considered a number of messaging clients: Pidgin, Adam Langley's
> xmpp-client, and Instantbird. Instantbird was the pragmatic choice -- its
> transport protocols are written in a memory-safe language (JavaScript); it
> has
> a graphical user interface and already supports many natural languages; and
> it's a XUL application, which means we can leverage both the code (Tor
> Launcher) and in-house expertise that the Tor Project has developed
> working on
> Tor Browser with Firefox. It also has an active and vibrant software
> developer
> community that has been very responsive and understanding of our needs. The
> main feature it lacked was OTR support, which we have implemented [4] and
> hope
> to upstream to the main Instantbird repository for the benefit of all
> Instantbird (and Thunderbird) users.
> * Current Status
> Today we are releasing a beta version with which we hope to gain both
> usability and security related feedback. There have been three previous
> alpha
> releases to the mailing lists that have already helped smooth out some of
> the
> rougher edges.
> * Downloads
> Linux (32-bit)
> https://dist.torproject.org/tormessenger/0.1.0b2/tor-messenger-linux32-0.1.0b2_en-US.tar.xz
> Linux (64-bit)
> https://dist.torproject.org/tormessenger/0.1.0b2/tor-messenger-linux64-0.1.0b2_en-US.tar.xz
> Windows
> https://dist.torproject.org/tormessenger/0.1.0b2/tormessenger-install-0.1.0b2_en-US.exe
> OS X
> https://dist.torproject.org/tormessenger/0.1.0b2/TorMessenger-0.1.0b2-osx64_en-US.dmg
> sha256sums
>     https://dist.torproject.org/tormessenger/0.1.0b2/sha256sums.txt
>     https://dist.torproject.org/tormessenger/0.1.0b2/sha256sums.txt.asc
> The sha256sums.txt file containing hashes of the bundles is signed with the
> key 0x6887935AB297B391 (fingerprint: 3A0B 3D84 3708 9613 6B84  5E82 6887
> 935A
> B297 B391).
> * Instructions
> - On Linux, extract the bundle(s) and then run:
> ./start-tor-messenger.desktop
> - On OS X, copy the Tor Messenger application from the disk image to your
>   local disk before running it.
> On all platforms, Tor Messenger sets the profile folder for
> Firefox/Instantbird to the installation directory.
> - Note that as a policy, unencrypted one-to-one conversations are not
> allowed
>   and your messages will not be transmitted if the person you are talking
> with
>   does not have an OTR-enabled client. You can disable this option in the
>   preferences to allow unencrypted communication but doing so is not
>   recommended.
> * Source Code
> We are doing automated builds [5] of Tor Messenger for all platforms.
> The Linux builds are reproducible: anyone who builds Tor Messenger for
> Linux
> should have byte-for-byte identical binaries compared with other builds
> from a
> given source. You can build it yourself [6] and let us know if you
> encounter
> any problems or cannot match our build. The Windows and OS X builds are not
> completely reproducible yet but we are working on it [7].
> * What's to Come
> Our current focus is security, robustness and user experience. We will be
> fixing bugs and releasing updates as appropriate, and in the future, we
> plan
> on pairing releases with Mozilla's Extended Support Release (ESR) cycle. We
> have some ideas on where to take Tor Messenger but we would like to hear
> what
> you have to say. Some possibilities include:
> - Reproducible builds for Windows and OS X (#10942)
> - Sandboxing (#10943)
> - Automatic updates (#14388)
> - Improved Tor support (#10950)
> - OTR over Twitter DMs (#13312)
> - Produce (and distribute) internationalized builds (#10945)
> - Secure multi-party communication (np1sec) [8]
> - Encrypted file-transfers
> - Usability study
> * How To Help
> Give it a try and provide feedback, requests, and file bugs [9] (choose the
> "Tor Messenger" component). If you are a developer, help us close all our
> tickets [10] or help us review our design doc [11]. As always, we are
> idling
> on IRC in #tor-dev (OFTC) (nicks: arlolra; boklm; sukhe) and subscribed to
> the
> tor-talk/dev mailing lists.
> Please note that this release is for users who would like to help us with
> testing the product but at the same time who also understand the risks
> involved in using beta software.
> Thanks and we hope you enjoy Tor Messenger!
> [0] - http://instantbird.com
> [1] - https://otr.cypherpunks.ca
> [2] - https://pond.imperialviolet.org
> [3] - https://ricochet.im
> [4] - https://github.com/arlolra/ctypes-otr
> [5] - https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-messenger-build.git
> [6] - https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-messenger-build.git/tree/README
> [7] - https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10942
> [8] - https://github.com/equalitie/np1sec
> [9] - https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket
> [10] -
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&component=Tor+Messenger
> [11] -
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorMessenger/DesignDoc
> --
> tor-talk mailing list - tor-talk@lists.torproject.org
> To unsubscribe or change other settings go to
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-talk
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