Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists writes:

> Hello,
> we asked on Twitter to Digicert to provide a quick guide on how order an
> x509v3 certificate for TLS for a .onion, they've just published this
> small guide:
> https://blog.digicert.com/ordering-a-onion-certificate-from-digicert/
> Hopefully other CA will follow and at a certain point letsencrypt too.

Let's Encrypt doesn't issue EV, so the CA/B Forum needs to agree that
DV certs can be issued for .onion names too (some people have suggested
that they would be called something other than "DV", but be analogous to
DV, based on proof of possession of a cryptographic key from which the
name is derived).

Seth Schoen  <sch...@eff.org>
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