On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 01:17:08 +0500
Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.net> wrote:

> > entry node---> exit node ---> website
> You don't even need 2 hops in this case. Why not propose 1-hop?

Oh actually, just remembered reading about that somewhere -- and turns out it
was in Tor's own man page:

       AllowSingleHopCircuits 0|1
           When this option is set, the attached Tor controller can use relays
           that have the AllowSingleHopExits option turned on to build one-hop
           Tor connections. (Default: 0)

       AllowSingleHopExits 0|1
           This option controls whether clients can use this server as a
           single hop proxy. If set to 1, clients can use this server as an
           exit even if it is the only hop in the circuit. Note that most
           clients will refuse to use servers that set this option, since most
           clients have ExcludeSingleHopRelays set. (Default: 0)

       ExcludeSingleHopRelays 0|1
           This option controls whether circuits built by Tor will include
           relays with the AllowSingleHopExits flag set to true. If
           ExcludeSingleHopRelays is set to 0, these relays will be included.
           Note that these relays might be at higher risk of being seized or
           observed, so they are not normally included. Also note that
           relatively few clients turn off this option, so using these relays
           might make your client stand out. (Default: 1)

So it seems like you can already experiment with that. Dunno how many exit
nodes actually enable the single hop mode though.

With respect,

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