
I found two articles which may have something in common. 1. Some Tor users 
(29.000) got deanonymized by authorities while up/downloading childporn. 2. 
Someone claims that "Tor suddenly dump over 30 megabloats of steaming faeces 
onto a file system on exit".
1. Is it just a question of time when other deanonymisations will come public?
"Australian Authorities Hacked Computers in the US
Written by Joseph Cox Contributor
August 15, 2016 // 10:10 AM EST
By the very virtue of the investigation, Australian authorities likely would 
not have known where the computer they wanted to hack was located; indeed, that 
was the exact problem that the Tor network presented.

    Whether the Australian authorities hacked computers in other countries 
remains unclear.

It is unclear on what authority Australian law enforcement obtained a warrant, 
or whether one was obtained at all to gather IP addresses from Piccolo and 
others in the US. Task Force Argos declined to answer any questions or comment 
for this story.
Whether using a hacking tool to grab the real IP address of a Tor user 
constitutes a search in a legal sense has recently become a contentious issue 
in the US. Several judges have said that suspects do not have a reasonable 
expectation of privacy around their IP address when using the Tor network, 
meaning that it is not protected by the Fourth Amendment, and a hack grabbing 
it would not require a warrant. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, as well as 
some courts, have argued otherwise.
2. The author embedded a list of his findings in his article.
"Tor 6.0.4
Why does Tor suddenly dump over 30 megabloats of steaming faeces onto a file 
system on exit?
Most of the junk left behind comes from an EFF extension, but this extension 
has been used all along, and it serves no purpose to copy the data out to yet 
another location. If this is caused by an error at EFF, why hasn't this been 

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