Exact, usually in companies people can not set up softwares, so
Virtualbox is a dream...
And sometimes people can not use USB-Key !

Proxies and others networking security by admins (we can understand
that!) are blocking/logging/filtering web surf. Because for example in
my country, the big boss is responsible about the websurf on the company
: if a guy is surfing on a bad website, the boss is the "guy behind the
IP logged", so Tor Browser can be a solution to surf without using the
company's IP

18/10/2016 05:08, Tamara West :
> It is not possible to install
> software in many environments (The Tor executable on Windows just extracts
> so please don't try to argue this point) so installing VirtualBox or using
> a LiveCD(DVD) or any of those other options are not available to everyone.
> Sometimes it is really not about "I do not know" or "I am not comfortable
> with Linux".

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