Flipchan writes:

> So i was thinking about timing attacks and simular attacks where time is a 
> Big factor when deanonymizing users . 
> and created a Little script that will generate a ipv4 address and send a get 
> request to that address 
> https://github.com/flipchan/Nohidy/blob/master/traffic_gen.py then delay x 
> amount of seconds and do it again. This will probelly make it harder for the 
> attacker to fingerprint the users output data due to the increased data flow 
> coming out from the server. 
> So to protect against traffic timing attacks and simular would be to generate 
> More data.

This is called padding traffic and it's been studied a bit in relation
to systems like Tor.  Roger has often said that a conclusion of the
studies was that it's hard to get a lot of privacy benefit from most
padding schemes, but it might be good to know what the state of the
art is in padding attacks and defenses.

Seth Schoen  <sch...@eff.org>
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