Great work Georg!

Sorry I have been quiet... the new job has been keeping me busy. I will be happy to test when you get a release together, but I will be out on holiday until the new year starting tomorrow.

I have no feelings on version numbers. Whatever everyone wants to do is OK with me.



On 12/18/19 10:59 AM, Georg Kallidis wrote:
Hi Torque Devs,

today I worked on a couple of TORQUE issues, which blocked the release of
Torque 4.1, but could be resolved (someone checks this?).
Still remaining are TORQUE-355  "Improve support for HSQLDB 2.x" and
TORQUE-356 "Implement millisecond support for MySQL timestamps".
- TORQUE-356 seems to be actually resolved as Hsqldb 3.x is now used - ?
- TORQUE-355 may need some more review, but may already fixed, cft.
- ?
In my view Torque 4.1 seems now quite polished! Release it!?
Another question about the version number as a side note: Turbine 5.1
release will be just (among other minor changes at the moment) about
integration of Torque 4.1 (with intermediate component fulcrum-security).
May be to lift the release version from 4.1 to 5.1 for the Torque release
as well?

Thanks a lot for providing any feedback!

Best regards,


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