Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:
Tod Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Sweet, this worked perfectly. I'll document it under a seperate subject line later today.

Thanks for your help.

If you are using maven, you can simply add the jar to project.xml and
add it to your local repository. Then you don't need any hacks.


As opposed to adding the <path/>,<pathelement/> construct to the jelly file, correct?


Thomas Fischer wrote:

Hi Tod,

I finally got a (_VERY_ dirty) solution for your problem. Perhaps some
maven guru on the list can create a cleaner solution from this.
Find the file /cache/maven-torque-plugin-3.1.1/plugin.jelly somewhere in
your maven home directory. Add the path to classes12.jar into the torque

   <path id="torque-classpath">
     <pathelement path="path/to/classes12.jar"/>

Then the task should run without the ClassNotFoundException.

Also it seems that your torque.properties contains an error. My guess is
that it contains the line
torque.database.driver = classes12.jar

whereas it should contain

torque.database.driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Please tell me if it worked. If yes, please open a new issue at scarab
(http://nagoya.apache.org/scarab/issues) and describe the problem there.

 Good night,


Tod Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 03.12.2004 21:34:04:

I am executing maven torque:jdbc to generate schema.xml.  It continually
displays this error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: classes12.jar
Total time: 6 seconds
Finished at: Fri Dec 03 15:22:58 EST 2004

classes12.jar is present.  I have tried different iterations of the
CLASSPATH and nothing works - I don't think thats the real problem.
Running with maven -X didn't provide anything useful.  I've seen this
problem posted with no response, and I've seen it posted referring to
performing a datadump with the same CLASSPATH error.

I am at my wits end. Can someone help me get it fixed so I can get it
documented on this list ?

Thanks - Tod

Details: --- * Built Torque v3.1.1 from source. * Installed maven plugin via maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-torque-plugin -DgroupId=torque -Dversion=3.1.1 * Switched to the ./torque-3.1.1-src/target directory * Created project.properties with the appropriate settings for Oracle * Copied over classes12.jar file * export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:./torque-3.1.1-src/target/classes12.jar; * maven torque:jdbc * I can attach project.properties if it will help.

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