I have committed changes into cvs which allow to create beans from torque
objects and vice versa. Related Objects are taken care of, and database
state (i.e. is it a new Object ?) is also transferred into the beans. I did
not yet use it in production environment, but I am quite confident that
there are no large bugs in there.

To learn more, checkout Torque from cvs, run "maven  xdoc"  in the project
root and read the Beans Howto.

If you use maven to generate the beans, you have to install a new version
of the maven plugin. To do this, run "maven plugin:install" from the
src/maven directory of your local copy of the Torque cvs.

Please mail success stories and questions to the users list. If you
discover a bug (and you are sure it is a bug), please open a issue in the
issue tracker (http://issues.apache.org/scarab/issues )


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