# HG changeset patch
# User Giampaolo Fadel <gp.fa...@gmail.com>
# Date 1248352961 -7200
# Node ID a8d48b81cff3b661592c33c01b65767a20d1d6a8
# Parent  7eae2c717e7016b538a8cd166d6cf84f4936aa22
doc: add faq as appendix

diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 #latex_preamble = ''
 # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
+latex_appendices = ['faq']
 # If false, no module index is generated.
 #latex_use_modindex = True
diff --git a/doc/source/faq.txt b/doc/source/faq.txt
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/faq.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+TortoiseHg FAQ
+*What is TortoiseHg?*
+    A Windows shell extension for the Mercurial revision control system, 
similar to the Tortoise
+    clients for Subversion and CVS. It also includes an hgtk application for 
command line
+    use on many platforms.
+*What comes included in the TortoiseHg binary installer for Windows?*
+    `Mercurial <http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi>`_, `kdiff3 
+    `TortoisePlink <http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/%7Esgtatham/putty/>`_ 
and and one bonus extension: hgfold.
+*How can I get translations for the Explorer context menu?*
+    See the `Download <http://bitbucket.org/tortoisehg/stable/wiki/install>`_ 
wiki page
+*How do I do merges and arbitrary version checkouts in 0.8?*
+    Merges and updates intended to be done from within the Changelog tool 
(:guilabel:`View Changelog` menu option)
+    in 0.8.
+*How do I fix* ``failed to import extension hgext.hgconfig...`` *warnings?*
+    Upgrading to release 0.7.2 or later should fix these warnings, but there 
are further complications on Vista.
+    See `issue #135 <http://bitbucket.org/tortoisehg/stable/issue/135/>`_.
+*Why can't I connect to an ssh server (TortoisePlink.exe* ``...cannot execute 
specified...`` *error message)?*
+    Release 0.7.2 and later include a version of TortoisePlink that does not 
have extra library
+    dependencies, so upgrading will probably fix this problem. See also `ssh 
+*How can I use Qct with TortoiseHG, after version 0.7?*
+    We recommend that you try the commit tool that comes with TortoiseHg 
before running back to Qct, but here
+    are the instructions should you decide to stick with ole' reliable:
+    1. Download and install Qct-1.7-standalone-win32.exe from 
+    2. Add (or merge) the following into your :file:`Mercurial.ini` ::
+        [extensions]
+        qct = C:\path\to\qct.py
+        [tortoisehg]
+        extcommit = qct
+        [qct]
+        path = "C:\Program Files\qct\qct.exe"
+    Now the :guilabel:`HG Commit` menu option should launch Qct, and 
:command:`hg qct` should work from the command
+       line and hgtk ci should also launch Qct.
+    In 0.9, hgtk ci will no longer launch Qct.  We will drop support for any 
external commit tools.
+*How can I use hgk (hg view) with TortoiseHg?*
+    Download `tclkit <http://www.equi4.com/tclkit>`_ and place it in your 
TortoiseHg directory.
+    Download the `hgk 
<http://www.selenic.com/repo/hg/raw-file/tip/contrib/hgk>`_ script from the 
+    repository and place it in your :file:`TortoiseHg\contrib` directory. 
Create an :file:`hgk.cmd` file and
+    place it in :file:`TortoiseHg\\scripts`. This file should contain::
+        @set HG=C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe
+        @"C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\tclkit-win32.exe" "C:\Program 
Files\TortoiseHg\contrib\hgk" %*
+       Then enable hgk in your :file:`Mercurial.ini` file::
+        [extensions]
+        hgk =
+        [hgk]
+        path=C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\scripts\hgk.cmd
+        vdiff=vdiff
+    This allows you launch :command:`hg view` from the command line.
+*How can I use WinMerge as my visual diff tool?*
+    Add these lines to your personal :file:`Mercurial.ini` file ::
+        [extdiff]
+        cmd.winmerge = C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMerge.exe
+        opts.winmerge = /e /x /ub /wl
+    Now run the :guilabel:`Global Settings` tool. On the 
:guilabel:`TortoiseHg` tab, you should see
+       :guilabel:`winmerge` available in the drop-down list for 
:guilabel:`Visual Diff Command`.
+       Select :guilabel:`winmerge`, apply, then close.
+    This same approach can be used to add nearly any visual diff tool, but be 
aware that your diff tool must
+    be able to support directory diffs if it is to be used by TortoiseHg, 
unless you are using release 0.8 or
+    later.
+*How can I use Araxis Merge as my visual diff tool?*
+    Add these lines to your personal :file:`Mercurial.ini` file ::
+        [extdiff]
+        cmd.adiff=C:\Program Files\Araxis\Araxis Merge v6.5\compare.exe
+        opts.adiff=/wait
+    Now run the :guilabel:`Global Settings` tool. On the 
:guilabel:`TortoiseHg` tab, you should see
+    :guilabel:`adiff` available in the drop-down list for :guilabel:`Visual 
Diff Command`.
+    Select :guilabel:`adiff`, apply, then close.
+*Does TortoiseHg work on Vista?*
+    TortoiseHg 0.8 works well on x86 and x64 versions of Vista and Windows 7.
+*How can I get the context menus working on 64-bit Vista?*
+    Upgrade to TortoiseHg 0.8
+*I'm a CLI user, how do I disable the shell extensions (overlay icons and 
context menus)?*
+    If you have TortoiseHg 0.8 or later, you can disable overlays via the 
taskbar options menu.
+    The only way to disable the context menu is to rename :file:`ThgShell.dll` 
in your install directory
+    and then restart explorer (this completely disables the shell extension).
+    If you have an older TortoiseHg release, run this command with appropriate 
+    :command:`regsvr32 /u "C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseHg\\tortoisehg.dll`
+    Run that command without the :command:`/u` argument to re-enable the 
extensions. Both operations take effect
+    after the next reboot.
+*How is TortoiseHg configured?*
+    TortoiseHg gets configuration settings from two systems.
+    1. The Mercurial configuration system, which is three-tiered
+        1. Site-wide :file:`Mercurial.ini` in 
+        2. Per-User :file:`Mercurial.ini` in :file:`%UserProfile%`
+        3. Per-Repository :file:`Mercurial.ini` in :file:`{repo-root}\.hg\hgrc`
+    2. :file:`%APPDATA%\Tortoisehg` settings for application state (window 
positions, etc)
+    These are configurables that are stored the Mercurial configuration 
system. ::
+        [tortoisehg]
+        extcommit = None
+        vdiff = vdiff
+        editor = gvim
+        tabwidth = 4
+        longsummary = True
+        copyhash = False
+        graphlimit = 500
+        authorcolor = True
+        authorcolor.steve = blue
+    See also :doc:`settings`, and `issue #50 
+*Is it possible to change fonts?*
+    In some cases, yes. The gtools based dialogs (commit, status, shelve) 
allow some font configuration. ::
+        [gtools]
+        # font used in changeset viewer and commit log text
+        fontcomment = courier 10
+        # font used for diffs in status and commit tools
+        fontdiff = courier 10
+        # font used in file lists in status and commit tools
+        fontlist = courier 9
+        # make the integrated diff window appear at the bottom or side
+        # (applies to commit and status dialogs)
+        diffbottom = False
+*How do I switch GTK themes?*
+     In 0.7, the theme was selectable at install time.  For other releases, 
(and after install on 0.7) you can
+        still do this manually
+        * cd :file:`C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseHg\\share\\themes` (>=0.8, this 
is :file:`gtk\\share\\themes`)
+        * look at the themes in this directory, remember their names or keep 
this folder open.
+        * :command:`cd ..\\..\\etc\\gtk-2.0`
+        * edit :file:`gtkrc` and change the name of the theme you wish to use
+        * Vista may try to prevent you from editing the file directly. I work 
around this by copying to your desktop,
+          editing it there, then copying it back (and answering all the 
security dialogs)
+        * Changes immediately take affect on all newly launched applications
+    You also should be able to download new themes and copy them into the 
:file:`share\\themes` directory and
+    then enable them in your :file:`gtkrc`.
+*After uninstalling, it left a bunch of DLL and PYD files behind.*
+    Reboot, like the uninstaller told you to :-) The uninstaller marked those 
files for removal at the next boot
+       since most of them could not be removed while your system was running.
+*How can I convert a subversion repository to Mercurial?*
+    You must install svn-win32-1.6 command line tools, then add them to your 
path. Then you must enable the
+    `convert 
<http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/ConvertExtension>`_ extension. 
At this point,
+    you should be able to use the :command:`hg convert` command to do the 
conversion. Please direct
+    problems/questions about the convert extension to the Mercurial mailing 
list or #mercurial on irc.freenode.net.
+*Where do TortoiseHg extensions look for external Python modules on Windows?*
+    TortoiseHg includes an entire Python distribution bundled up as DLLs. The 
standard library modules are all
+    in the :file:`library.zip` file in :file:`C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg`.
+    If you try to use an extension that imports a non-standard Python module, 
you will find that the extension
+    will fail to load because it can't find the module. For example the 
ReviewBoard extension imports the
+    simplejson module, which is not part of the standard Python distribution.
+    In order to make it work you need to add a couple of lines to the top of 
the extension's .py file, before
+    the line that imports the foreign module::
+        import sys
+        sys.path.append('C:\\path\\to\\module')
+    Note that this will not work for modules distributed as .egg files; the 
supplied path must contain the
+       module's .py or .pyc files.
+*How do I fix odd characters in dialog?*
+    In 0.8, we no longer distribute multiple themes and switched default theme 
to MS-Windows.
+    As a result, it might causes an issue related default font of MS-Windows 
theme in some environments.
+    In order to fix this issue, add following setting to TortoiseHg's 
:file:`gtkrc` file::
+        style "msw-default"
+        {
+        font_name = "MS UI Gothic 9"
+        }
+    You can find :file:`gtkrc` file in your TortoiseHg install directory:
+    i.e. :file:`C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseHg\\gtk\\etc\\gtk-2.0\\gtkrc`
diff --git a/doc/source/index.txt b/doc/source/index.txt
--- a/doc/source/index.txt
+++ b/doc/source/index.txt
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
+   faq
 Indices and tables

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