lördag 22 april 2023 kl. 07:13:50 UTC+2 skrev Stefan:

I've mailed Ian, and he deleted the include folder and ran an 'svn up', so 
there should not be any more conflicts.
But the build still fails...

Sorry it took a while for me to circle back to this - I looked quickly and 
everything seemed fine and it took some time to take a closer look.

I believe 'svn up' might not be enough if there is already a tree conflict. 
I think I reproduced the issue by updating to r29539, building, then trying 
to update to HEAD. I had do 'svn resolve' (selecting r to Mark as resolved) 
and 'svn revert ext\openssl\apps\include --depth=infinity' followed by 'svn 
up'. After this I had a clear 'svn st' and the build succeeded.


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