Hello Stefan,

Thank you for response and explanation - next time I will take it into 
account. But I still prefer edit and resolve conflicts during merge - it 
keep merge running and I can often do merge in one try. When a tool for 
edit conflict is used, it handles files correctly(or better say svn give 
correct parameters). But some time ago I run into some bigger problems 
during merge and need to solve it by hand. And then I figured out, that it 
is possible, but one must repair file placed in  temp. location.


On Monday, January 29, 2018 at 10:14:43 PM UTC+1, Stefan wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 5:29:14 PM UTC+1, Ko Paka wrote:
>> Hello, couple of days ago I had upgraded to TortoiseSVN 1.9.7, Build 
>> 27907 - 64 Bit , 2017/08/08 19:34:38 and found out some problematic 
>> behaviour I didn't notice  before. 
>> 1. When conflict occured, Resolve conflict dialog was shown with button 
>> Resolved disabled. All other buttons on dialog was enabled. When I clicked 
>> Edit, editor was shown(in my case kdiff3) and button Resolved was enabled. 
>> 2. Target file - one to be resolved - was located in Temp directory of 
>> currently logged user(win 10). 
>> I needed to resolve some problems manually. And found it very confusing: 
>> a) I need to click on Edit conflict button even when I want to solve 
>> conflict manually. 
> No, if you want to resolve the conflict manually, just click on "Resolve 
> later".
>> b) I solved it manually in working copy(there is target file with 
>> conflict markers <<<<<<<,>>>>>>> and other left, right, working counterpart 
>> files) but when I finally clicked on Resolved button, file was resolved by 
>> the copy from Temp directory. 
> The "Resolve" button is for marking a conflict as resolved. That's why 
> it's disabled until you hit the "Edit" button.
> Just postpone the conflict dialog (simply exit it), then resolve the 
> conflict manually and then use the explorer context menu to mark the 
> conflict as resolved.
> Stefan

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    • Re: ... Stefan via TortoiseSVN
      • ... Ko Paka via TortoiseSVN
        • ... Tony Rietwyk via TortoiseSVN

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