
This is an update to a request I made earlier in the summer for review of
curriculum intended to teach open source to students as part of Mozilla
Open Source Clubs
I have up, a Alpha version of that course with three modules
<https://emmairwin.github.io/learning-open-source/>(each with learning
sections).   If you are interested in reviewing with a critical eye, or
testing any of these with your students, I would be most happy to consult
that process.   Additionally I have in the README names of people who have
contributed so far, if you contributed but don't see your name there -
please email me directly - or submit a pull request :)

There are some areas that are incomplete, but they are usually noted with A
TODO or comment to that fact .

Thanks for your help,

-- Emma Irwin
tos mailing list
TOS website: http://teachingopensource.org/

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