Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:22 PM
Subject: Is Planned Parenthood Insane? Suggests Sex For Ten Yr Olds



Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Is Planned Parenthood Insane?


For this segment of my continuing exposure of the insane, absurd, and
downright disgusting, I want to tackle an issue that I came across from
several websites, including the fine work from 


It appears, according to this video that I am attaching into this article
here, that Planned Parenthood International is now wanting children as young
as 10 YEARS OLD, to be indoctrinated into the "Pleasures Of Sex", through
sex education classes! What the hell ever happened to having children being
children, and keeping their innocence as long as possible?


Please watch this video, and I will have my own comments to follow:


Planned Parenthood Suggests Sex For Ten Yr Olds

Abortions are a $5 billion dollars a year industry, that is 98% controlled
by Zionists



Click here:





NTS Notes: This is a horrible idea by Planned Parenthood. It begs the
question: What are they hoping to accomplish by subjecting children to "The
Pleasures Of Sex" at the age of 10? It is bad enough that the amount of
teenage pregnancies is exploding across North America, but to actually
condone this type of sex education as early as the age of 10 is absolutely


This is definitely one for my Files Of Absurdity, but it is a warning to all
parents out there about where our society is headed unless we take a stand


Posted by NTS 



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