-----Original Message-----
From: reinvestigate911-l-boun...@reinvestigate911.org
[mailto:reinvestigate911-l-boun...@reinvestigate911.org] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:18 PM
To: reinvestigate91...@reinvestigate911.org
Subject: Cynthia McKinney London March 8, 1000 experts call for new 9/11

 From Reinvestigate 911

17 February 2010


Venue now fixed: SOAS in central London, 7.30pm
Please forward to green, peace, Palestinian, black and women's networks

Official 9/11 story not scientific and cannot be true, say experts


Kick out the neocons in all parties


7.30 PM
School of Oriental and African Studies,
Russell Square,
London WC1H 0XG
Room B111, Brunei Building

Directions: Russell Square tube in Central London.
Walk west along north side of Russell Square to Thornhaugh Street.

Please forward to green, peace, Palestinian, black and women's networks

Good news for UK human rights, peace movement, greens and 9/11 
activists. Cynthia McKinney, for many years a congressional 
representative from Atlanta Georgia, and most recently US Green Party 
candidate for president, will be addressing a parliamentary meeting 
and later a public meeting on March 8 (International Women's Day) at 
London University's prestigious School of African and Oriental Studies.

The meetings have been organised by Reinvestigate 911 but Cynthia 
will be heard by people active in many campaigns. For many years 
Cynthia used her seat in Congress to give a platform to many 
disadvantaged groups, but in the end the Washington oligarchy was 
able to remove her. A vicious media campaign, lack of support from 
the Democratic leadership, massive funding of her local opponents and 
a well organised Republican crossover vote saw her removed in a 
primary in her Georgia constituency.

As well as supporting the rights of women, native Americans and 
others at home, Cynthia is a supporter of the Palestinian cause and 
risked her life on a boat that tried to lift the blockade of Gaza 
last year. She was arrested and held incommunicado in Israel for 
nearly a week.

Like the US Green Party, the UK Green Party, Reinvestigate 911 and 
most sensible 9/11 sceptics, Cynthia does not claim to know exactly 
how the 9/11 attacks really happened or exactly who was behind them - 
just that the event has gravely suspicious features, fitted in 
perfectly with the pre-existing neocon plans to seize Iraq, and that 
a real investigation has never been mounted. Cynthia was the only 
representative to ask public questions in Congress about the 
Pentagon's "anti-hijack exercise" that was running at the time the 
9/11 attacks took place.

Other speakers include Nafeez Ahmed a terrorism expert who has 
investigated the links between the CIA and "Al Qaeda".

In addition organisers are planning a slideshow and videos including 
leading French humorist Jean-Marie Bigard making fun of the official 
9/11 story. There will also be a surprise speech by The Queen. (It's 
on a rather fuzzy video but it's been reliably authenticated by the 
CIA and their friends over at the BBC Conspiracy Files) .


Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are holding a major press 
conference in San Francisco this Friday Feb. 19th, at 11:00 AM to 
mark the 1000th expert to sign up to the demand for an independent 
scientific investigation into the rapid and symmetrical collapse of 
three high rise buildings on September 11 2001, buildings which were 
expressly designed to withstand an impact with a fully laden passenger jet.


AE are calling on cities all around the world organize mini press 
conferences, so that the information will spontaneously gel 
everywhere at once. Even if the press does not come, A&E are asking 
people to gather in front of an official building, read out the 
announcement, and take a photograph, and send it to A&E for their website..

Already in many parts of the world few believe the official story of 
9/11, but the corporate media blackout of 9/11 evidence is crumbling 
even in places like Canada, Denmark, Holland, Germany and France.


This working meeting is by invitation. Please contact 
i...@reinvestigate911.org for the details. Anyone offering concrete 
help is welcome. We will be planning publicity for the Cynthia 
McKinney visit and discussing election strategy


If you know of any candidates who are calling for a new investigation 
into the 9/11 attacks, please contact i...@reinvestigate911.org. Here 
is a quick guide to the political landscape, based on our lobbying 
experience. There are 9/11 sceptics in all parties, as we know from 
organising our meetings in Parliament. The Green Party has voted for 
a new 9/11 investigation but in the teeth of fierce opposition form 
the careerist wing, led by Darren Johnson, their candidate in 
Lewisham. Libdems are widely sceptical but many are nervous of going 
public until after the election. Labour and the Tories have very 
mixed views. Some on the Left quietly welcomed 9/11 as payback for US 
policies, others support us. Libertarian tories (including at least 
one one-time Thatcherite) are more suspicious of 9/11 than mainstream

We are calling on all anti-war activists, those worried about the 
emerging global oligarchy and those who support civil liberties at 
home to unite around a viable election strategy. One possibility, 
modelled on the highly successful Israel lobby, would be to target 
the worst candidates, the warmongers, for removal, and try to achieve 
a hung parliament as the next best thing to kicking out the 
scoundrels who we can't remove.


Reinvestigate 9/11

We will support any new investigation of the 9/11 attacks so long as
*it is run by uncompromised people with a range of opinion including 
those inclined to disbelieve the official 9/11 story,
*it has full legal authority to demand immediate access to any 
evidence and any witness it chooses
*it follows the evidence wherever it leads
*it is given all the resources it requires to carry out its investigation

Reinvestigate 911 is supported by Coffee Plant (www.coffee.uk.com) 
suppliers of organic and Fairtrade coffees to caterers and retail 
customers. Phone 0208 453 1144

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