----- Original Message ----- 


Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:31 PM

Subject: OnlineTaxRevolt.com is marching to Washington!



Thanks Lee, I will send this out in my:


 "The Brooks Report"


"The republic will cease to exist when Government takes from those who are
industrious and gives to those who refuse to work." -Thomas Jefferson



Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 21:25:08 +0000
From: news...@reply.newsmax.com
Subject: OnlineTaxRevolt.com is marching to Washington!

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Dear Newsmax Reader: 
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, OnlineTaxRevolt.com. 
They have important information to share with you. Thank you. 


etaxrevolt.com> Image removed by sender. Online Tax Revolt


etaxrevolt.com> Image removed by sender. Online Tax Revolt
etaxrevolt.com> There is a massive rejection of the established powers
taking place in our country.  Americans are mad as hell and we are not going
to take it anymore.  It is time we send Washington a clear message that we
are a growing and vocal movement that is calling for real change.  If you
agree, there is something you can do about it right now! 
The first-ever Online Tax Revolt at www.OnlineTaxRevolt.com
eTaxRevolt.com> , a free, interactive march on Washington has just launched!
In just over a week, nearly 100,000 patriots have already signed up and it
is growing by the thousands every day. Please
eTaxRevolt.com>  join all of us marching online now at
www.OnlineTaxRevolt.com. Its free to join, and only takes a few seconds.
Simply choose and avatar and join the revolt!
eTaxRevolt.com>  is open to every American who believes taxes and spending
are out of control, harmful to our country and a threat to our nation's
future.  Our economic future and that of future generations is at stake.  
Go to www.OnlineTaxRevolt.com
eTaxRevolt.com>  and choose an avatar - from a Tea Party Patriot to Ronald
Reagan -- and start your online march to our nation's capital.  You can
march individually or as a part of a team.  The website is equipped with
Google Maps, which enables you to track the location of your avatar and
follow your progress to Washington from the moment you sign on to Tax Day,
April 15.  
One team will be led by Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Ronald
Reagan. Another team is led by nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz.
Other team leaders include Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher and conservative
talk radio host Martha Zoller. 
This march is a wake-up call to everyone in Washington that the American
people won't be ignored any longer! Politicians who ignore the tidal wave of
citizen passion coming to Washington on April 15th may want to start looking
for life jackets--or new jobs.

Thank you,

Ken Hoagland of OnlineTaxRevolt.com

PS: There are nearly 100,000 people already taking part at
OnlineTaxRevolt.com, including Neal Boortz, Martha Zoller, and Joe the
Plumber. Please take just a few seconds and join us now at
eTaxRevolt.com> !

To view the Online Tax Revolt, visit www.OnlineTaxRevolt.com


Please mark emails from the Online Tax Revolt as
"not junk" or "not spam" to ensure that your Online
Tax Revolt communications reach your inbox.

Paid for by Americans for Fair Taxation 


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